Hi, I am Vitaliy 👋 I’m Software Engineer, and currently I’m working in the Cloud Computing sphere at ☁️Yandex.Cloud☁️ on different IaaS services.

My professional scope

I live with computers and technology almost whole of my life. When I was 10 years old I saw games on my brother’s ZX Spectrum and I wanted to make my own game. I started to study Sinclair BASIC and it was just only beginning!

My professional career as Software Engineer started at 20 and by the age of 25, I had commercial experience with Java, Python, JavaScript, and Software Architecture.

A new way of my life started in 2011 when I jumped into startups. Over the next 5 years, I co-founded with my friends 3 different companies: an outsourcing company (SevenQuark), a travel startup (Travelatus) which was sold, and a hardware-based company for video screen advertisement (VisioBox). For the all our companies I was in the role of CTO.

In 2016 I decided to try myself at a big company and got into Yandex, the biggest internet company in Russia. Here I was developing different intranet projects, started my project inside the company, and eventually dipped dive into cloud computing. Last 5 years I work at Yandex.Cloud as Senior Software Engineer and develop different core products as a part IaaS team.

You can look at my LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitalix/.

Throughout my career I’ve worked with different technology stacks and programming languages. For the past 5 years, I use permanently in my projects Java, Golang, and Python and their ecosystem. Also I big fan of Vim, you can look at my dotfiles here.

LinkedIn, GitHub, dev.to, Twitter, Mastodon.

Non-tech activities

Of course not only computers there are in my life 😆

I like painting and especially comics. Maybe in the future, I’ll try myself as an amateur comics artist but now I like deep into comics culture in different countries (Such as Franco-Belgian Bande dessinée’s, Japanese manga, or strips from balkanian countries). You can look at my trying to develop painting skills here: http://instagram.com/vitalixart.

Another direction for my hobby for the last years is languages. It’s so awesome to go into different cultures with knowing their language. When I travel to some country I try to figure out how their language works. But I tried to study seriously just only French and got basic speaking and reading level.